Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf melalui blog ini aku menulis surat untukmu, karena aku tak tahu alamat emailmu.
Didalam surat ini aku ingin berterima kasih atas peranmu di film The Great Doctor, dalam peran tersebut karakter yang kamu mainkan adalah anganku dan keinginanku untuk memiliki pasangan hidup seperti itu.
aku di dunia ini melangkah sendiri, aku sudah kehilangan arah, tak tahu aku harus kemana, kini tak ada lagi yang harus aku rindukan tak ada lagi yang harus tunggu dan tak ada lagi yang harus aku berkorban. sejak kepergian pasangan ku yang mana aku menaruh harapan besar pada dirinya, dan kuperjuangkan hidupku untuknya.
dalam surat ini aku juga ingin meminta sesuatu darimu Lee Min Ho, permintaan dariku hanya ijinkan aku memiliki photo dirimu untuk ku jadikan semangat dalam hidupku, walau aku melangkah sendiri di dunia ini aku bisa tetap tersenyum
dengan photo dirimu (Lee Min Ho) aku bisa kembali hidup, aku bisa memiliki ruang di hati suatu khayalan walau aku tahu itu tak akan pernah berujung.
inilah suratku untuk dirimu Lee Min Ho, semoga kamu membacanya.
aku ingin memiliki kehidupan yang berarti, aku ingin memiliki kehidupan yang penuh makna
entah apa itu mungkin atau tak mungkin aku ingin tetap tersenyum
photomu dapat membangkitkan hatiku, semangatku untuk melangkah.
Terima kasih Lee Min Ho...........
Semoga Allah menyampaikan perasaan hati ini kepadamu Lee Min Ho, hanya dengan ijin-Nya lah surat ini sampai ketanganmu, dengan ijin-Nya lah aku akan menerima jawaban darimu
I apologize beforehand through this blog I write to you, because I do not know your email address.
In this letter I would like to thank you for your role in the film The Great Doctor, the role of the character you play is anganku and my desire to have a life partner that way.
I walked alone in this world, I've lost, I do not know where to go, now no more shall I miss nothing more to wait and no longer do I have to make sacrifices. since the departure of my family which I have great hopes in him, and the fight for her life.
In this letter I want to ask you something Lee Min Ho, demand from me just let me have a photo on you to make my passion in my life, though I walk alone in this world I can still smile
the pictures yourself (Lee Min Ho) I could live, I could have a room in the heart of a fantasy though I knew it would never end.
This is my letter to you Lee Min Ho, I hope you read it.
I want to have a meaningful life, I want to have a life full of meaning
whatever that may or may not I want to keep on smiling
photomu can stir my heart, my spirit to go.
Thank you Lee Min Ho ...........
May God deliver you this heartfelt Lee Min Ho, only with His permission was this letter to you, with His permission is I would receive an answer from you
In this letter I would like to thank you for your role in the film The Great Doctor, the role of the character you play is anganku and my desire to have a life partner that way.
I walked alone in this world, I've lost, I do not know where to go, now no more shall I miss nothing more to wait and no longer do I have to make sacrifices. since the departure of my family which I have great hopes in him, and the fight for her life.
In this letter I want to ask you something Lee Min Ho, demand from me just let me have a photo on you to make my passion in my life, though I walk alone in this world I can still smile
the pictures yourself (Lee Min Ho) I could live, I could have a room in the heart of a fantasy though I knew it would never end.
This is my letter to you Lee Min Ho, I hope you read it.
I want to have a meaningful life, I want to have a life full of meaning
whatever that may or may not I want to keep on smiling
photomu can stir my heart, my spirit to go.
Thank you Lee Min Ho ...........
May God deliver you this heartfelt Lee Min Ho, only with His permission was this letter to you, with His permission is I would receive an answer from you
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